The Truth About ISIS

The Truth About ISIS

ISIS is an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Others refer to the jihad’s cult as ISIL; the meaning is the same. Instead of using specific states the word Levant (territory) is used. The civil war in Syria provided ISIS the opportunity to establish a stronghold in northern Syria uniting it with captured real estate in northern Iraq to form the so-called Islamic state.   

At one time, there were four major air forces targeting what is estimated to be 30 thousand and growing ISIS fighters in a territory half the size of the state of Missouri. 9 million refugees have fled Syria as a result of the anarchy, which included daily bombing by the US, Russia, France and Turkey. ISIS proudly claims responsibility for the majority of violent activity committed on helpless civilians throughout the world. 

The goal of ISIS is to form a government, (Caliphate) controlled by Clerics, (holy men). The rule of law in the Caliphate is Sharia, the law of the Qur’an. A good amount of western politicians, religious leaders, and journalist have tried to separate the jihadist, (warriors of the faith), from mainstream Islam. The Islamic faith requires imperialistic expansion! The movement is easy to follow, floods of Muslim immigrants spread into neighboring countries where they establish city-states, raise their families and make demands that schools recognize the customs and traditions of their medieval faith. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. 

A diabolical movement is at hand in the predominantly Christian U.S.A. called (Chrislam), a mixture of both faiths. It’s a pathetic effort to compromise Christian doctrine with the Qur’an for the sake of tolerance. ISIS the army is doomed on the battlefield, but ISIS the idea will continue to flourish in every Muslim enclave throughout the world. The growth of Islam is predictable because it spreads the spirit of antichrist. As Christians eagerly await the second coming of Jesus Christ to establish His theocratic government on earth so also does Islam look forward to the return of their messiah, (the Mahdi). Jesus is the Son of God and savior of the world. The Mahdi represents the spirit of antichrist and doomed to fail but not before he wreaks havoc on planet earth. For more about the end of the age and the return of Jesus Christ to earth read my free ebook “Beam me up, Commander.”