The Transformation of a Generation

There is coming a generation of young adults that will not accept the Word of God as truth. Instead, they will substitute their faith for the lying signs and wonders of a corrupt despot whose last-ditch effort to rule the earth will fail.

The Transformation of a Generation
James Rupe

Loneliness is an American Epidemic 

Social isolation is killing more and more Americans every year.

James Rupe
Loneliness is an American Epidemic 

Faith in God is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe

God created the Earth and all the elements necessary to sustain life. He then created Adam and Eve. God placed the Earth in a perfect orbit around the sun. The sun is the major energy source that maintains life on the Earth. God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and supplied all their earthly needs.

Faith in God is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe

Israel: Modern Miracle

The remarkable rebirth of Israel is no secret to sincere Bible students who accept the Word of God for what it plainly states, “I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.” (Jeremiah 30:3)

Israel: Modern Miracle

The Real Church

Most people visualize the church as a large cathedral type structure with stained glass windows, denominational titles and elegant preachers. Millions of dollars are spent every year to upgrade the grounds, add additional sound equipment, pave parking lots and in general make our brick and mortar building the finest in the area. A well-intended but feeble effort to duplicate the true church.

The Real Church