Jerusalem: The Greatest City In The World

Jerusalem: The Greatest City In The World


A few years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the old city of Jerusalem. There are many great cities throughout the world but none so fascinating as Jerusalem. If you are moved by massive skylines or bustling commerce, then Jerusalem is not for you. If a stroll down cobblestone lanes into the ancient past is more to your liking, the old city will inspire you like no other. Located in the center of Israel, a nation the size of New Jersey, Jerusalem is the future capital of the world and ultimately, the earthly habitation of God. Today this primal city, in what seems an insignificant part of the globe, is the spark-plug of international unrest. 

Originally known as “The City of Peace,” Jerusalem is the most religious city in the world, hosting three major faiths: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. All, regard the old city as holy ground. Unfortunately, this pearl of the near east, the city of peace, has been a part of 50 wars in her celebrated existence and remains one of the most dangerous cities on earth. The Israeli tourism commission would like you to think differently, but it is hard to ignore the armed fathers who accompany their small children on school-sponsored field trips. 

Jerusalem is the center of worldly attention because God said it would be. Specifically, He said a “burdensome stone to all people.The burden would happen at a time when the Jews were once again restored to the land and in control of the city after the Roman dispersion of 70 AD. In 1967, the Israeli Defense Force reclaimed the occupied territories of Jerusalem and fulfilled the 3000-year-old prophecy. It was the beginning of the “end time” and a sure sign Jesus would soon return to establish His theocratic government at, you guessed it, Jerusalem. 

The greatest city in the world will continue to be at the center of international concern until God moves Heaven to earth in the New Jerusalem. All of the Islamic terrorist acts of recent history can be traced to Arab hatred toward the Jewish restoration of Israel. As for the Palestinians, who suffered the greatest loss in the Israeli conquest of Palestine, they aren’t even Arabs. They are descendants of the Philistines, Israel's ancient enemy. If you are uncertain about the future of planet Earth, a devoted study of  Jerusalem could open your eyes to God’s plan for your life and future. To learn more about Jerusalem read “Beam me up Commander” found in the library of this blog site.

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