James Rupe

The Truth About the President-Elect

James Rupe
The Truth About the President-Elect


The Presidential election proved to be as dramatic as its billing. A knight in rusty armor with no experience and questionable character rode into Washington on the back of a disgruntled nation with promises he cannot keep. One thing is for certain, we could use a savior, but the job is far too big for any mortal being. Benjamin Franklin renowned for great wisdom was convinced that great nations are those who recognize “God governs in the affairs men.” He validated his statement with this Bible verse, “If it is not the Lord who builds a house, the builders are wasting their time. If it is not the Lord who watches over the city, the guards are wasting their time.” (Ps. 127:1)

If God is in it, it will succeed; if He is not, it's destined to fail. In all the promises announced by both political parties, not one declared God as the architect. At no other time in history has it been so important to include God in our affairs. Instead, there is a decline in the values that guarantee greatness, a “falling away” from biblical principles. The new President will set out to solve the problems of a corrupted society without the help of God. He will find the job impossible like all that have gone before him who tried to govern without divine guidance. For this reason, time has run out. God is about to take full control of the affairs of reprobate man and put down the six thousand year rebellion. "They shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with great power and great glory"(Mt. 24:30).

 It won't be pretty! Many will suffer, but those who endure through faith in the true savior will live to see the world void of corruption. The point of no return is upon us. God knows the beginning from the end and the end has arrived. Will you be a participator in the failure of a dying world or will you choose to rise above the trouble and observe the hand of God at work? You can learn why the world needs a makeover and how God intends to transform everything by reading “Beam me up Commander.” It's free! Or you can read Study More found on the blog home page. Or you can just study your Bible about the end of the age.