The Character of a President

The selection of leaders is part of the freedom we enjoy under democratic rule. The responsibility to choose the most qualified person should not be taken lightly. The candidates should be carefully scrutinized for principle as well as their knowledge of  constitutional law. They should have an honest desire to serve for the good of the people and not for personal gain. They should have strong moral character with a humble heart toward God. In general, we ought to be able to hold the President of the United States in the highest esteem.

Unfortunately, our great republic has been hijacked by professional politicians. Their goals are self-serving, motivated by greed and power. Originally, term limits were established to weed out this type of villain but today they overwhelm us. The corruption is not subject to any one party or faction, its universal. It’s the first sign of Empire collapse! Selection of corrupt leaders is a reflection of the voters. It’s time to examine our own motives and ask, are they for the good of all the people or are they for selfish special interest.

Joshua was a great Jewish military leader full of faith and integrity and the nation of Israel succeeded under his leadership. After Joshua died no one stepped forward and took the reins. A weak government run by corrupt judges lead to anarchy. The people were fed up with the rule of judges so they called for a king to rule them. Samuel was a prophet of God and a man of faith and integrity. He offered the people a theocratical Government, a state ruled by “divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided”. The people rejected Samuel’s leadership. God told Samuel their rejection was against God not Samuels. “So the elders asked for a king to lead them. Samuel thought this was a bad idea, so he prayed to the Lord.  The Lord told Samuel, “Do what the people tell you. They have not rejected you. They have rejected me. They don’t want me to be their king.”(1Samuel 8:6-7) The people got their way and the first King of Israel was inaugurated. One bad King followed another. The nation would prosper or fail depending on the faith and moral conviction of their King. The lack of both eventually lead to the collapse of their sovereignty. Could it happen in the United States of America? It is happening! For more about the collapse of the modern era read “Beam me up Commander” it’s free!