James Rupe

America's Decline

James Rupe
America's Decline


It is evident to older generations that America is not the nation it was just fifty years ago. The benchmark of a great nation has always been her principles. The decline of a prodigious civilization starts with the loss of moral character. The fall of Rome is well documented and attributed to a weakened military, but a closer look reveals the more sinister corruption. An epidemic of sexual perversion began the decay and led to the final collapse of the Roman Empire. In the beginning, God made it clear that man would be joined to his wife, raise a family and pass down those family values to his children. “ Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”(Gen.2:24) The breakdown of the traditional family is the singular most destructive enemy America faces today.

More young people are choosing to cohabitate without commitment rather than wed. It doesn't meet the standard for a successful family structure and is a recipe for failure. For those who do marry, 5 out of 10 will divorce. This same generation of young adults is more likely to accept the LGBT community than their parents and grandparents did. The decline of America is interrelated to the decline in traditional family values. No amount of leisure, indulgence or wealth can substitute for a strong faith-based value system. Our thirst for uninhibited self-gratifying pleasure has placed us on a slippery path to ruin. “ Remember this: There are some terrible times coming in the last days.  People will love only themselves and money.   They will have no love for others and will refuse to forgive anyone. They will be cruel and hate what is good. People will turn against their friends. Instead of loving God, they will love pleasure.”(2 Tim.3:1-5)

Pleasure and indifference rob men of integrity and harden their hearts against God. Greed and lust are the gods of this world. To avoid this dangerous condition  Consider this, you are walking along the highway of life, and suddenly you come to a fork in the road. One side is wide and alluring. It smells good and looks good. It is a very exciting boulevard. People are eating, drinking and partying. It has a sensual pull that is difficult to resist. The other road is much smaller, less crowded. As you ponder which direction you will take you notice most people are drawn to the wide side, they will not consider the smaller path. Then, your attention is drawn to something strange among all the lights and glitter. The pavement on the boulevard is cracked and crumbling, but no one seems to care! The pavement on the straight and narrow road is perfect not a bump or crack to be found. As you consider which way you will go there is a man standing beside you, He offers you his hand and says to you. “Enter by the narrow gate, for wide, is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few that find it.”(Matthew 7:13, 14) For more about the last days and Gods plan for your life read “Beam me up Commander” it's free.