Testament Conflict

One of the challenges Bible newcomers face is understanding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Not only is the Bible a work of spiritual integrity, but it is also the most reliable history book in print. Archaeology continues to find, validate and confirm Old Testament events. When Adam broke the law, the earth was stained beyond human repair. Only God could undo what men had done. The Old Testament records the history and struggles of a morally corrupt people and their desperate effort to reconnect with God. It is brutally honest in documenting the accounts of degenerate man and his altered nature. The cynics and doubters will use this honest documentation to cast blame on God for allowing such decadence to triumph; (how could God allow that to happen)? They will question historical events like the flood of Noah. They will swear that the three young Hebrew captives could not have withstood the Babylonian furnace. They will reject all supernatural manifestations claiming them impossible. A sincere investigation of both Books will reveal that the New Testament fully satisfied the spiritual integrity of the Old Testament, putting to rest any idea that one contradicts the other. The continuity of the Bible would be remarkable if it only covered a few hundred years using just a hand full of authors, but six thousand years using over thirty writers is beyond remarkable.  

The birth of Jesus Christ, His life and redemptive work were predicted over 300 times in the Old Testament. These amazing prophecies were inspired by God over the course of 4,000 years beginning in Genesis (Ge.3:15). Jesus arrived on planet earth just as scripture predicted and suffered the full penalty of the law for Adam's transgression. These historical events fulfilled the Word of God clearly stated in the Old Testament. For the record, multiple references to Jesus were chronicled by at least three secular authors not related to the Bible.  Upon His return the second time, Jesus will satisfy all remaining prophecies in both Old and New Testaments including those pointing to the end of this age and the beginning of eternity. God loves His creation with a father’s heart of compassion even though men have turned their backs to Him in rebellion. The Old Testament clearly documents the rebellion for our benefit and understanding.  God, in His foresight, provided a way for mankind to be reconciled back into His family through the death and resurrection of Jesus which the New Testament fulfilled.  “Don’t misunderstand why I have come—it isn’t to cancel the laws of Moses and the warnings of the prophets. No, I came to fulfill them and to make them all come true. (Matt.5:17)

The Old Testament reveals the law of universal justice which fallen man is incapable of keeping. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” (Ro. 3:23) But, the New Testament brought Grace, through Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) We have done nothing so grievous that God hasn’t forgotten it as far as the east is from the west. We have his Word on it! We need do nothing to receive this unmerited favor, only believe. The grace of God provides all of the benefits men will ever need now and throughout eternity. In our depraved state, we deserve nothing, but God gives us everything. Grace moves God to act on behalf of creation for the eternal good of all. The love of God can only be received; it is forced on no one. In this context, grace acts as judgment to those who refuse to receive it.  For more about Gods love, read “Beam me up Commander” it's free!