
A baby’s heart begins to beat twenty days after conception. It will continue to beat 60 to 80 times a minute throughout adult life. It will pump 2000 gallons of life-sustaining blood per day for a lifetime. Blood carries all the necessary elements to support life. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood:” (Lev.17:11)  If you’ve received a physical examination recently you know a few vials of blood can provide the doctor with the knowledge he needs to complete the exam.  Our heart is a perpetual pump that circulates life. It's about the size of your fist. To open your fist and then close it simulates a heartbeat. So, what sparked our heart's first beat, and what energy source perpetuates each pump? Science explains it this way. There is something called a sinoatrial node, a cluster of cells found in the heart that generates an electromagnetic pulsation opening a valve to circulate the blood while a second valve opens and refills the heart to produce the next heartbeat. And so it goes one heartbeat after another for as long as we live. Our heart pump is unique because it doesn’t require an additional power source to work. It is designed to regenerate its own power. With all the knowledge men have regarding energy and mechanical know-how we cannot build a perpetual motor.  

When God finished creating Adam out of the Earth He had nothing more than a lump of clay. It wasn’t until He breathed into Adam the breath of life that Adam became a living soul. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. “(Gen. 2:7) Since God is the source of all power wouldn’t it be reasonable to believe He sparked the start of our constant heartbeat? For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.” (Rev. 19:6) We are born body, soul and spirit. It takes the spirit of God to unite with the human spirit to form a relationship. Just as Adam the created man received the breath of life so does every conceived baby receive the spark of life that starts their heartbeat. “The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” (Job 33:4)  I willfully with gratitude believe God is the power source of my heartbeat because there is no other explanation.

Our heart was designed to pump forever in a perfect world without an additional power source. When Adam chose to go his own way he separated himself from the eternal power  God provided. His decision would lead to his death, and his heart would stop beating. When we receive Jesus as savior we are reunited with God and plugged back into the omnipotent power of God. For more about salvation through Jesus Christ read “Study More” it's free.